Clothing Closet

Wonderfully Made Clothing Closet
The Wonderfully Made Foundation is dedicated to bringing our community together to address   severe social issues in Oklahoma through a comprehensive array of resources, services, and community involvement. In 2011, with the opening of the WMF Homeless Home, came the launch of the Wonderfully Yours Clothing Closet.

Wonderfully Yours Clothing Closet provides free clothing, shoes, and hygiene products for the less fortunate in the Oklahoma City area. Clients will expand their limited resources by not having to buy clothing for their families.

All items in Closet are provided solely through donations.

How to Qualify:
Wonderfully Yours Clothing Closet operates through a Voucher system. Each client in need receives a voucher that states the items they are allowed to take from the Closet. Each individual is allowed ONE (1) voucher every two months.

Certain exceptions can be made for
     Victims of disasters
     Women fleeing domestic violence.
     Clients who participate in approved community service projects

All clients of Wonderfully Yours Clothing Closet must come by referral and/or prove one of the following:
     Food Stamps
     Currently reside in a local Shelter (provide documentation)
     Prison Release papers

Applicants must also present a valid photo ID (if over 18) and Social Security Card for each household member receiving items including children.

   Click here to download Clothing Closet Voucher  |  Click Here to see Accepted Donations